Preparation for Kambo
Fast from food for 12 hours before your treatment. You can still have water or tea, caffeine free.
AFTER your kambo treatment, I strongly recommend eating clean, high vibrational foods for as long as you can to get the full benefits, avoiding dairy, gluten, processed foods, alcohol, caffeine and sugar especially.
Spiritual Preparations:
It is good to be grateful to the frog spirit for coming into your life and offering you this potent opportunity for major transformation.
You will want to come with intentions. Kambo is a clearing medicine, and the types of things you can clear are: stagnant emotions (for example if you feel lots of jealousy, resentment, rage, sorrow); low-vibrational character flaws (for example laziness, selfishness), karmic density, resistance to walking your highest path or making healthy lifestyle changes, addiction, physical impurities.
What Happens in a Kambo Treatment
The kambo treatment is given in the context of ceremony, accompanied by sacred song and held with respect. The process looks like this: You will set intentions, and then be asked to drink 2 liters of water quickly (within 10 minutes) and receive light, superficial burns on your skin with a special incense stick. These may scar, but you can choose where you want them.
Typically you will receive three or four points of medicine for your first treatment but this varies and is based on my (the practitioner) intuitive read of what is best for your body. I always ask to be guided to the minimum amount of medicine someone needs to have an effective treatment, prioritizing gentleness.
The medicine is then applied to the burns and then you will quickly feel heat and swelling throughout your body as well as a rise in blood pressure, racing heart, possible ringing in the ears, and a need to purge. Most often the purging is vomiting, but sometimes it will be through the toilet. Some people vibrate, cry, laugh or shake as a nervous system purge.
After 20 to 45 minutes your treatment will be complete and you will rest. You may have some facial swelling. This is called “frog face” and it goes away within a few hours.
Most times you feel amazing after the treatment and ready to continue life as usual, but sometimes you may feel the need to go inward for several hours or the rest of the day to process. In terms of the transformational effects, kambo sometimes brings instant shifts and other times it takes a few days.
Whatever you purged is permanently cleared, and recipients typically continue to experience life “uplevels” for some time.
This medicine often brings profound insights but usually does not produce visionary states; it is more of a bodily experience.