“I have experienced energy work before with varying degrees of success, but nothing came close to the experience I had with Tara. The word ‘profound’ doesn’t do it justice. I now feel better than I have in years!!”

-Suzy Kennedy

"Tara was amazing at bringing in the serious power to clear stubborn anxieties and emotional wounds that I thought might never resolve.

I had previously tried talk therapy, conventional medicine and self help. 


She was fantastic at honoring me in a gentle but firm way and taught me to treat myself with more love.

What a gift! 


She gave as deeply of herself as I was committed and offered me incredible resources for deepening my knowledge of plant spirit medicine.  I was truly honored to connect with her as my first light worker considering I was brand new to this way of life. I have been on a fast track to healing since we met and it’s been a peaceful, joyful ride.

Truly life changing!"

-Lindsey Webb

“I have had the privilege of working with Tara for several years and with each session, my appreciation for her gifts grows.



Tara holds an honest and egoless space. Confusion, doubt, negativity -- things that interfere with our sense of inner peace -- are lifted. And Tara will never let you forget it is your own power at work. 


Rare is to find a healer/advisor so gifted with a seamless blend of intelligence, humility and talent. Tara creates the conditions under which we are able to find our own gifts, our own power, our own truth. And she does this through gentle, kind, love.


I have and will continue to recommend working with Tara to my dearest and best friends, whose healing and happiness I hold dear. Why? Because I count having found Tara, as one of the blessings I have been gifted on a very unconventional and trying path.

She has helped me through many things and will likely help me through more, but the most significant and lasting contribution she has made to my life, is in helping me return to a place of self-love and acceptance on a life path that challenged those elements in fundamental ways.


If you have found Tara, this is your lucky day.”

-Hailey Monoceros

“The inner healing work that Tara facilitates is, simply put, life-changing. I would not have believed the tremendous benefits of this work had I not experienced it myself.

Over the 18 months we have been working together, people have told me that I have a new glow, that they noticed positive shifts in my energy, and that I seem happier than I ever have before.

Tara and I have focused on healing for my romantic life. As a result of these inner shifts, I have been reunited with my soulmate and love of my life and our relationship is markedly more stable and solid than it had ever been.

I highly recommend doing transformational work with Tara Rose. She is a gifted and supportive healer who is deeply invested in her clients’ success and well-being.”

-Gina Donato

“Tara means serious business! I’m truly amazed. I’ve had powerful healing sessions in the past, but nothing like this that got to the very bottom of things. Parts of my soul from childhood have returned. I haven’t felt this free in a long time. I truly feel so different!”

-Eileen Mihich

“I shifted more in one hour with Tara than I did in three months seeing other practitioners!”

-Jennifer Rabin

"When I met Tara, I was overwhelmed, hopeless, and stuck. I did too much for others and not enough for myself, had no idea how to form my vague vision of purpose into action, and felt very little connection to my spiritual guidance. I was so confused and thought there was no way out. 

Through our mentorship I've experienced complete perspective shifts to the point that I'm now able to offer my gifts as a healer and coach to be of service to others. Tara saw me for my gifts and believed in me when I could not do those things for myself.


The greatest gift I've received from my work with Tara is fully knowing and trusting my purpose. I know now exactly why I'm here and how to keep doing what I'm here to do. 


I've been to many healers and Tara's program is on a whole other level. I would recommend it to anyone who's ready to jump in head first and make real, majorly impactful change."

-Britania Pousson Nicastro

“Tara is amazing and brilliant! I am just so impressed. And truly… I’ve done a lot of work with different coaches in the past and I can honestly say that the time we have spent together was the most impactful time that I’ve had working with someone.”

-Emily Guerrero

Page Titles (1).png
  • Gain clarity, inner peace and happiness

  • Address childhood traumas with energy healing and shamanic tools

  • Get spiritual guidance for challenges and obstacles in your life

  • Discover holistic tools and plant medicines that can support your goals for physical and emotional well-being

All sessions are done by phone. For new client inquiries, please send a message below.