Addicted to sugar?
Sugar affects the brain just like cocaine. It makes us high and happy when we eat it; it rings all our bells chemically and then we crave more, and more, and we can never seem to get enough of it, and it takes over our thoughts and before we know it we are wolfing down the entire container of ice cream, the whole box of cookies…
And then, of course, it wreaks havoc on the body, mind and spirit. We pack on pounds, get grouchy and edgy, and can even get hang overs from sugar!
Yet because it is so pleasurable, it is hard to quit even when we know the harm it causes. Sugar is a drug that:
compromises the immune system
causes depression, anxiety, mood swings, rages & irritability
causes hormone imbalance, premature skin aging, inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, food allergies, & autoimmune disorders
messes up our gut microbiome and neurochemistry, short circuiting our ability to think clearly and focus
leaves us hungry and always craving more, which makes us overeat and never feel full
Sugar can really mess up our health and happiness, big time. It is a REAL epidemic, made worse by the fact that temptation is everywhere. It is cheap, it is at every gas and grocery store and cafe register, and it is pretty and colorful and associated with holidays, birthdays, and all kinds of pleasant lightheartedness.
Is it even possible to quit this drug?
Yes! And it is actually very easy once you know the trick to it. This isn’t about will power.
You actually won’t need to fight cravings or struggle at all!
You can eliminate this addiction and get your free will back.
I have done it and I have helped many others do it, and I am excited to share with you a protocol that absolutely works.
The first secret is that there is a root cause of sugar addiction. It is actually a SYMPTOM of a disharmony on the body, mind and spirit level. So we will address this holistically.
Ok, ready to begin? Let’s take action.
Step 1: Nourish the Spirit
Sugar addiction is often a symptom of too much adulting, being in go-go-go mode and not resting or nurturing our inner child enough.
This behavior of eating junk food can be a way of injecting a sense of play and lightheartedness into our lives. It can also take the place of compassionately tuning into our feelings and giving ourselves positive energy.
So we need to change that. We need to make time to nurture ourselves, perhaps with a bath, massage, or nature time.
We need to place a hand over the heart and breathe and listen to guided meditations that calm and soothe us.
We need to make time to sit still, listen to music we love and actually enjoy hobbies, things we do just for fun.
If the ego says life is too overwhelming to just enjoy our time, that we have too many responsibilities or problems to solve, then this is a control issue and it is time to change that mindset! It is time for choosing patience and delegating to Spirit the things that seem too heavy for us to manage. We can ask for help from people and from angels and we do get to have a higher quality of life. It’s supposed to be fun here on Earth.
Step 2: Nourish the Body
We begin with hydration. By drinking one half to a full gallon of water every day, we feel fuller and flush toxins. Add in a flavor powder to make it taste good, give the body electrolytes and add nutrients. Avoid any products that contain sugar, sucralose or aspartame (these artificial sweeteners are neurotoxins). I like the products by Ultima and Vitamin Hydrate.
Next, we wait until we are actually hungry to eat and then amp up our satiation by focusing on fats and protein and greens, using a ketogenic style diet. An easy option would be to grab some avocados, sour cream and ground beef or chicken and make keto nachos, with sliced cucumbers instead of tortilla chips. The bit of cultured dairy (yogurt, sour cream) balances the gut bacteria, reducing the sugar hungry yeast. The fats, proteins and alkalinizing greens will get rid of hunger and balance the blood sugar.
Step 3: Balance the Mind
Sometimes we turn to sugar to quiet self critical or overwhelming thoughts. Decide to stay positive. Know that your mood may be all over the place while you’re detoxing. So here are some herbs to keep your mood balanced:
Lemon balm is uplifting. Kava, passionflower, skullcap and chamomile are calming and can help you sleep. CBD oil can help you focus and feel more at ease, less edgy, and more connected to your heart. I like capsules best for all of these. Solaray and Gaia are my favorite brands.
If you feel hung over or sick from sugar, take charcoal capsules to absorb the toxins.
Ok, so now you have a plan!
Within 3 days your cravings will subside significantly and the candy will stop calling your name. You will feel great, love your food and feel excited for the health benefits and weight loss coming your way!
You can do it!
And yes there are antifungal herbs as well to kill the yeast that crave the sugar. I have used oregano oil capsules, berberine herbs (oregon grape and goldenseal), coconut oil, etc as well as kambo, the potent frog medicine cleanser that has antimicrobial effects and is known for liberating us from addictions. They all help but my experience is that fighting the yeast doesn’t help anywhere near as much as taking a more positive approach. Because what we resist persists, it really is more useful to put our energy into creating a healthier life and strengthening our bodies, minds and spirits instead!
And that is the crux of holistic medicine: we treat the root causes on all levels to transform.
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