Hidden Messages in the Body
Often what we think is a strange or persistent ache or tense spot is actually our bodies telling us when there is an energy that needs to be witnessed, released or moved within our being.
These energies may actually be limiting beliefs, emotional baggage that did not get processed, or even things that have nothing to do with us at all. We are such multi dimensional beings that these energies can originate in our ancestral line, in our own past lives, in our forgotten suppressed early childhood memories, or even from other beings.
When they get stuck we feel tension and sometimes over time disease or injury can develop.
To discover what is going on we can scan our body for areas of tightness and tension. The area of the body where there is an energy blockage contains information and correlations.
* The right side of the body represents our yang/active/masculine energy.
* The left is our yin/receptive/feminine.
* Hips correspond to ancestry. So energy stuck in the right hip represents your father's ancestry. In the left hip, it corresponds to your mother's ancestry.
* Our knees have to do with moving forward.
* Lower back is where we feel supported in life (or don’t)
* Shoulders is where we carry burdens
Sometimes we find ourselves getting repetitive injuries and these can also correspond to where our higher power is trying to draw our attention. So for example if you are getting injured on your left knee, that has to do with your yin -- receiving and stillness as opposed to actively moving forward which would have to do with the right knee.
The Chakras
- Someone having repetitive issues in the urinary tract probably has a root chakra issue around safety, security, groundedness or belonging.
- The sacral corresponds to our creativity and our inner child and our sexuality.
- Our solar plexus is connected to our confidence, will power, independence and sense of self.
- Issues with the throat have to do with speaking our truth and allowing ourselves to be heard and to say no.
- Issues in the forehead or third eye area have to do with beliefs, perception and clarity.
- Issues at the top of the head or crown chakra have to do with our connection to our higher self and intuition and to the divine. This can get blocked with religious conditioning.
- Issues with the feet have to do with being connected to the Earth in the here and now.
Energy healing can transform all of these things.
What might your body be telling you?
Lots of love,
Tara Rose
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