“Uncertainty" or Fifth Dimensional Initiation?
They call it "uncertainty" in the media, but I call it our collective initiation into 5D (fifth dimensional reality) -- also known as creator consciousness. This is the realm of the quantum field and it is why we feel intuitively that life is unpredictable and anything can happen.
Harnessing the opportunities of 5D is all about the law of attraction, and that is both an adventure and a challenge.
My helping spirits have taught me that instead of trying really hard to visualize things, generate gratitude or force ourselves to stay present through austere practices, there is an easier way! And that is to make life feel amazing by doing what truly brings us joy and creating more of that in our lives.
This is the best way to handle uncertainty because it makes the present moment so wonderful that there is no reason to be anywhere else!
This way feels very natural and it begins with making small improvements: Eat good food. Listen to great music. Make art. Play!! Doing things where we lose ourselves in happiness is the right direction.
In 5D, whatever we place our attention on grows and attracts more into our life. So we see the glass half full and it grows fuller. Having fun brings us more fun! Happiness creates more happiness. Appreciating what we have brings more blessings. (Worrying is a form of reverse manifesting and also makes things harder).
In 5D everything is possible and there is only the present moment. The future and past are simply stories!
We are so very loved by the divine that our best possible reality is what is wished for us and this is how we come closest to it effortlessly: through joy! Then we effortlessly and easily love our life and it loves us right back!
This realm of vibration becomes an amazing stream of magic and miracles!
There is SO much to understand about this 5D Realm! I have been receiving intuitive downloads about it since winter solstice 2017, and doing my best to put it into practice, often making mistakes -- er. Learning experiences! I'm not perfect at it but I am deeply grateful for the wisdom I have, humbled by the challenges and delighted and dazzled by those flow states of great joy where miracles happen in deep surrender -- and I am learning more every day.
Here is another Secret:
We have to BOTH plant these flowers of positive and joyful vibrations AND *weed* out the stuff that gets in the way.
What are weeds? Weeds are both visible (conscious) and invisible (underground): stories that no longer serve us, unresolved childhood wounds, ancestral patterns, and vows from other lifetimes.
We can tell the weeds are there when we are DOING ALL THE THINGS but life is still bringing us unsatisfying experiences.
This is why we have intuitive healers and shamans. We dont have to walk this path alone.
And if you've been doing lots of clearing and things arent quite flowing, maybe it is time for planting more flowers! Positive stories, positive self image, self love, positive actions and most importantly FUN.
In these endeavors it is my heart's great delight to assist you in bringing in your BEST possible reality through working together one on one with my amazing team of divine helpers. Together we can see how good life can get, take you to the next level of life and make some big changes. It feels so wonderful to be witnessed and compassionately encouraged to shine your light in these times.