Are you a bodhisattva?
Many times spiritual people, especially healers, feel shame around woundedness, a sense of not being advanced enough when stuff arises that needs clearing. There can be this self judgement of not-enoughness, not having attained the idealized self or of going backwards somehow. We can have this idea that we should be "perfect" because we have the awareness of how we would like to show up and why things are misfiring, and we have had so many intuitive healings already, or decades of self help, or whatever.
But the thing is, we are bodhisattva, people who have taken on the trauma of our ancestors and incarnated into a culture with massive issues so that we could transform them for the collective. So let go of those judgements and stop identifying with that. Instead focus on patting yourself on the back for being accountable and heroic in facing everything, and remember to reach out for help. We cant do this alone. We need others to hold space for us, to call upon he;ping spirits and use divine tools. Healing the world is a team effort.
We can hold each other gently in unconditional love as we do this work together, to see the beauty and nobility despite the messiness of it.