The Inner Critic, Oneness & Ascension
Do you have a loud inner critic that judges you all the time and says you're not enough, that whatever you do is inadequate and makes you feel like crap?
With its incessant negativity, the inner critic can be truly oppressive to our self-esteem, confidence and willingness to take risks in life. Though it comes from a well-meaning place of trying to help us improve ourselves, it actually does the opposite. It erodes our courage and motivation, and makes us feel hopelessly flawed.
My guru, ayahuasca, taught me in ceremony that how we view ourselves and others is an act of creation via quantum witnessing: That what we see, comes to be. And how we direct our attention creates. So just as physicists tell us that energy can be a wave or a particle depending on what we decide it is ahead of time, we tend to become what we think of ourselves, either magnifying our flaws and making them worse as we live up to our self image of being not enough, or magnifying our brilliance and becoming amazing shining lights.
And how we view others affects them, too. I once attended a performance by a symphony where the conductor did an experiment to see how the musicians played differently based on whether the audience held positive or negative thoughts towards them (without their knowing) and indeed, they played better when we sent them positivity.
When we criticize ourselves, we tend to actually devolve into being less than we really are. And yet the truth is, we have limitless potential. We are infinite beings. We are Source in form. We do not have to be held back by old programming and limiting beliefs.
When we love ourselves, we become the best version. My teachers tell me it is possible to be without shadow at all if you love yourself fully enough, because darkness is only ever absence of light, and light is love.
And when we begin to actively see positivity everywhere, we are healing the world with our gaze. We are, as the Navajo say, "walking in beauty." This is a big part of how we are meant to heal the world in creator consciousness: See it whole and healing, not damaged.
And we are one with the entire world, so when we send love inwards, we send love everywhere.
Removing the inner critic takes a consistent effort of both active positivity and:
* We have to start developing an inner cheerleader
* We have to deal with the emotional resonance that feels badly about ourselves by healing and clearing it, invoking divine intervention that is more powerful than our efforts alone
* We can begin to develop the quality of nonjudgment
* We need to cultivate greater compassion
* We need to learn how to see only positivity in ourselves and others
* We cannot perceive lack in anything because we are not separate from anything
Herbs that can help elevate our perspective include lemon balm and CBD cannabis (especially oils and other edibles).
In my personal journey, I discovered that the inner critic is a real barrier to oneness. The harsher we are with ourselves, the more separated we will feel from Source. The more separate we feel, the lower our vibration and the bigger our ego! It's the most counterproductive force ever. When the critic is loud, we cannot hear our intuition or feel the love that Source is sending us.
What can we do?? The answer is always to give ourselves more love. Like more cowbell, except, more love! When we send positive energy at ourselves and witness ourselves as even more amazing than we are at the moment, we do become it.
Self love is also what dissolves the ego, because it helps us receive the free flowing unconditional love of Source that is everyone's birthright. The divine way is nonjudgment and unconditional mercy. The more we practice that with ourselves, the closer we are to the Beloved. We cannot ascend to higher states of consciousness with an active inner critic. As a teacher said to me once, "Ego takes up space where self love isn't."
For greater support, consider:
* Cannabis Transformation sessions can amplify the inner critic and its unconscious anchors in the emotional body, so we can then use Reiki and invoke divine intervention to clear the energy patterns and liberate you
* Kambo treatments can clear the negative energy, ancestral blockages and trauma stuck in the body
* Spiritual counseling and energy work can help you gain clarity and clear old wounds